Title of "Gaya - A Second Chance", novel

Gaya - A Second Chance

Gaya - A Second Chance


What if humanity could start all over again?


In a future not so far away, a diverse group of carefully selected people are sent to Gaya, a planet very much like Earth. They want to build a better world: free of war, pollution, racism, and greed.


The settlers find a paradise of undisturbed nature – but they soon meet unknown dangers, poisonous plants, and aggressive animals. Above all, they have to deal with each other: a bunch of people with different ideas and desires, memories and individual quirks. And not everyone is willing to follow the rules.





Clare O'Beara, 12.03.2020 on Goodreads




Fay Abernethy, 28.07.2023 on Goodreads

A social fiction novel

A social fiction novel

What does that mean?


Technically, the book belongs in the science fiction genre, because it is set in the future on another planet. However, hardcore sci-fi fans might be disappointed by the lack of lightsabers, slimy aliens and humanoid robots.


The book focusses on the founding of a new society that tries to avoid all the past mistakes of mankind (of course making new ones in the process) and combines elements of a robinsonade with those of historical fiction and family sagas.


Don't worry, the result is not as complicated as this may sound.


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Side note

Side note

I wrote the novel in German and then translated it, making some improvements along the way.


The German version was ready just in time for my father's 60th birthday.
Very fitting, because he was the one who inspired my love of stars and space travel phantasies.

German version: Gaya - Entdeckung einer neuen Welt