Alters Buch, aufgeschlagen auf einer Seite mit dem Titel "Vom Nutzen der Schreibkunst"

Legal notice

Legal notice

Disclosures according to § 5 TMG
(German Broadcast Media Act)

Julia Scales
... einfach gute Texte auf Deutsch und Englisch
Nibelungenstr. 252c
64686 Lautertal



Telephone: +49 177 3885314
Fax: +49 6254 309736



Sales tax identification number in accordance with § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE 284 105 815


Professional­ liability ­insurance

Name and registered office of the insurer:
Hiscox SA, Niederlassung für Deutschland
Arnulfstra. 31
80636 München

Area of validity of the insurance:
Worldwide except USA/Canada


Editorially responsible

Julia Scales


EU dispute settlement

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):
You can find our email address in this legal notice.




Last updated: 29.07.2022

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Side note

Side note

German companies, even freelancers, are required by law to provide an "Impressum" on their homepage with a defined set of information.

Most English-speaking countries have no similar regulations, which is why the translation of the page title varies. Apart from "legal notice", you often find "company details", "copyright information" or "website credits".


A very common version on translated German websites is "imprint", which is plain wrong because it only refers to the "Impressum" of a printed book.


Unfortunately, most machine translation engines still use it, making the term one of several good clues for an automatically translated website.

Cover of the novel Gaya (German version)
Novel "Gaya" available in bookstores and online shops